Break Through The Wall – 4 Ways to Beat Creative Blocks

One of the biggest challenges for a producer or anyone in a creative field is the self-inflicted pressure of creating something amazing every time you begin a new project.  A lot of times we sit down inspired and once we get to it, our mind goes blank.   I think it’s one of the worst feelings in the world.  It’s such an enigma to think about how one day you can be coming up with great ideas and the next day not have a single one.

What do you do when you’re drawing blanks?

Especially if you’re dealing with deadlines? Here are some things that have helped me get back on track.

  1. Get away from your project. literally get up and go do something completely different. Go work out, go read, go do something that is not related to your project. For example: I’ll get up and go read, go play basketball or maybe take a nap. This helps clear your mind and takes pressure off yourself. Sometimes our minds just need a minute to clear up.

  2. Browse other projects similar to yours. I’m not talking about going and copying other people. I think our mind sometimes just doesn’t have a place to begin. It’s like you’re going to run a race but you don’t know where the starting line is. I sometimes will go on YouTube and search different producers, different songs, and even different genres of music to find my “starting line”. Sometimes finding projects that aren’t so good makes you feel like, MAN I CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER and your mind just takes off. Or you can find an amazing project that just inspires you to be better at what you’re doing.

  3. Break through. Sometimes we don’t’ have time to go do something else or go take a nap. What do you do then? Well you just keep going. Break through that blank wall. There are times I have a deadline and I just have to continue to work. I might not like the first or the second idea; but by the third or fourth try, my mind starts to wake up.

  4. Relax. We need to understand that like anything else, pressure can be a destructive force in creativity. I do know some people who work better under pressure so I’m sure this doesn’t apply. However even those people sometimes will need to take a second and relax. Enjoy what you’re doing. Remember why you love what you do.

These are some of the ways I break through when I draw creative blanks.  What are some of your ways?  Feel free to comment and share.


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